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"В Fedora Linux 36 намечено включение по умолчанию Wayland на системах с проприетарными драйверами NVIDIA"
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. "В Fedora Linux 36 намечено включение по умолчанию Wayland на..." +/
Сообщение от llolik (ok), 09-Дек-21, 13:30 
Для Wayland там ещё кучу задач надо реализовать. План и много инфы тут

Что характерно в реквесте от Коллаборы, до сих пор сру^W обсуждают. Собственно, мейнтейнер говорит:

Pekka Paalanen @pq · 1 month ago

Yes, it will be merged, but I am unsure if that will happen in year 2022 yet. Definitely not in 2021.

There are many open discussions here that still need changes in the protocol, and probably more. Right now we are focusing on the "Weston without protocol" implementation phase, see weston#467. According to the wayland-protocols contract, in addition to a full Weston implementation we will be two more implementations including at least one client side implementation, IIRC.


Pekka Paalanen @pq · 1 month ago

Not right now, no. As you can see from the many open discussions, this protocol is not ready yet. Something to indicate the range will be added before this protocol is ready to land.

The long pause here is only because the people working on this are currently working on bringing up Weston instead, so that we could start to test things at all. Once the color management foundation in Weston is far enough that we could start implementing the protocol, then I will switch back here to work further on the protocol.

I would welcome you to work on the protocol, but I cannot promise any reviews until I am ready to switch from Weston back to protocol work.

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В Fedora Linux 36 намечено включение по умолчанию Wayland на системах с проприетарными драйверами NVIDIA, opennews, 08-Дек-21, 14:10  [смотреть все]
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