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"Google начал открытие реализации модели потоков M:N"
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. "Google начал открытие реализации модели потоков M:N" +4 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 28-Июл-20, 14:57 
> Но "технологическое отставание" все равно у линукса.

Молодец, все верно подметил!
> kse -- kernel support for user threads

     Traditionally, user threading has been implemented    in one of two ways:
     either all    threads    are managed in user space and the kernel is unaware of
     any threading (also known as "N to    1"), or    else separate processes    shar-
     ing a common memory space are created for each thread (also known as "N
     to    N").  These approaches have advantages and disadvantages:

     User threading               Kernel threading
     + Lightweight               - Heavyweight
     + User controls scheduling           - Kernel    controls scheduling
     - Syscalls    must be    wrapped           + No syscall wrapping required
     - Cannot utilize multiple CPUs    + Can utilize multiple CPUs

     The KSE system is a hybrid    approach that achieves the advantages of both
     the user and kernel threading approaches.    The underlying philosophy of
     the KSE system is to give kernel support for user threading without tak-
     ing away any of the user threading    library's ability to make scheduling

> September    10, 2002
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Google начал открытие реализации модели потоков M:N, opennews, 28-Июл-20, 13:03  [смотреть все]
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