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"Конфликт из-за отображения шапки Санта-Клауса в открытом ред..."
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. "Конфликт из-за отображения шапки Санта-Клауса в открытом ред..." +1 +/
Сообщение от В (?), 23-Дек-19, 11:49 
> When I was young, we've traveled with my parents to Russia.
> One time in the Siberian city - "Novosibirsk", I got lost at the airport. There was a nightmare.
> I was cold and scared. The bears and drunk Russians were all that was what I saw.
> And I remember big nameplate "TERMINAL C".
> And now when I'm looking at the terminal section in VS code it's offending me.

Надо было родителям предъявлять, что в Новосибирск завезли!

When I was young, we've traveled with my parents to Russia, to the city of Omsk. And that way the place where I saw subway with only one station. That was the moment that changed my life, it ruined everything, so I blame Russians and their mysterious Omsk for such an impossible object as one-station railway line.

I think we should remove Russia from Visual Code country list (and any mentions of Omsk city as well) in Settings so noone will ever be confused and have his/her life changed so dramatically.

Not to mention number of US based strange places, so far.

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Конфликт из-за отображения шапки Санта-Клауса в открытом ред..., opennews, 23-Дек-19, 09:15  [смотреть все]
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